
Select your door type below

Additional Information

  • Safe and Secure Automatic Doors
  • Summary of Sensor Types


The New Generation of Automatic Door Systems

What we consider to be imperative – and what you can count on.

With its iMotion, TORMAX has opened a new chapter in door automation. The ground-breaking new generation of automatic door drives combine reliable, slimmed-down technology with value for money, respect for the environment and sustainability.

iMotion has a modular design. It consists of durable components, operates with minimum noise and is practically maintenance-free. We also considered the environment way back at the conceptual design stage – iMotion combines energy-saving technology with environmentally-friendly recyclable components. And if the requirements placed on the door should change over time, iMotion is far from redundant and thanks to its modular construction can be quickly and easily adapted to meet the new circumstances.

iMotion drive systems can be used anywhere. All systems are equipped with the same control systems and user interfaces – which significantly simplifies the maintenance and operation of all door types (sliding, swing, folding and revolving doors) both for interior and exterior use.

iMotion® Capabilities

INTELLIGENT: offering additional capabilities

  • self-configuration of the control system along with all components and s
  • automatic recognition of door weight, opening width and speed
  • permanent adjustment and optimisation if operating conditions change, for instance wear, temperature and dirt
  • permanent monitoring of the safety sensors and locks
  • customised configuration of the uniform control system with the same operating and service programme for all door types

MODULAR: growing with your requirements

  • customer-specific standards such as operating times and speeds can be rapidly duplicated across several door systems
  • ultra-simple replacement or extension as a result of the uniform construction of all drives; the same control system, the same user interface

ECOLOGICAL: saving energy and environmentally friendly

  • sleep mode with minimum energy consumption when on stand-by as well as automatically optimised power consumption during door movements
  • excellent movement dynamics which minimise the loss of heat or cold
  • all components meet RoHS requirements. No use of hazardous materials such as lead, mercury of hexavalent chrome
  • about 96 % of components are recyclable

RELIABLE – making life simpler

  • extremely low maintenance components such as brushless and gearless synchronous motors ensure a long working life
  • permanent monitoring with an early warning system for maximum security
  • extraordinarily long working life even at high traffic volumes. Exceeds standard requirements of a million cycles many times over

ECONOMICAL: protecting your investment

  • pricing depends on individual needs, with the option of upgrading simply, rapidly and cheaply
  • simple maintenance thanks to modular components and uniform configuration principle for all door systems
  • advantageous life-cycle costs as the foundation for customer satisfaction and lasting partnerships

Safe and Secure Automatic Doors

Safety and Security Mean Choosing the Right Door

In order to find the right door type which is the best possible fit with the requirements of both users and operators, it is advisable not only to consider the aesthetic requirements but also some other important aspects at an early stage. Much attention should be paid to personal safety. Use the following headings as a short check-list at the planning and design stage.

Where will the door be installed?

* building type (station, doctor’s office/surgery)
* door size
* door weight
* available space
* clearance
* exterior or interior rooms

How will the door be used?

* traffic flow
* frequency of use
* rush hours (main traffic times with increased peak usage)
* hold-open and closing times
* items which have to be moved

Who will use the door?

* trained staff
* the general public
* children
* persons with restricted motor functions (old or handicapped people)

Further requirements on the door?

* escape route
* fire protections
* anti-burglar requirements
* water-tight
* hermetically sealed (clean rooms)
* sound-proof

How rapidly should the door move?

* Maximum energy is calculated as follows:
* Sliding doors E=(m*v2) /2
* Swing doors E=(J*ω2) /2

Dynamic forces must be limited such that injury is not possible.

* contactless sensor technology
* reduced speed
* deformable crush points

The EU Machinery Directive demands that risks must be avoided or removed, action taken against possible risk and users informed about residual risks. We recommend that you always undertake a risk assessment before commissioning an automatic door system.

Summary of the most significant danger points and their elimination

Sliding doors

Main closing edge:
danger from crushing or collision

Minimisation of risk from the main closing edge:
crushing zone controlled by monitored presence sensors

Secondary closing edge:
danger from crushing or collision

Minimisation of risk from the secondary closing edge::
compliance with the safety distances Solution for smooth walls

1) < 8 mm against entrainment of fingers
2) < 100 mm is considered to be sufficiently reliable to prevent collisions (since DIN 18650:2010)
3) > 200 mm against crushing of the head

Swing doors

Main closing edge:
danger from crushing or collision when the door is opening and closing

Minimisation of risk from the main closing edge:
crushing zone controlled by protection sensor mounted on the door (1), safety distances (2/3) and monitored presence sensors (2)

Revolving doors

Danger points on turnstile revolving doors

Minimisation of risk from the main closing edge (A) and the internal wall (B):
safety distance (1) and pre-column safety (2)



Minimisation of risk from the secondary closing edge (C) and collision with the door leaf:
protection sensor mounted on the door (1) and touch sensitive safety strip (2)


Summary of Sensor Types

Multi-Purpose Detectors

Movement and presence

Multi-purpose technology is used for the combination of opening automatic doors and making them safe. These multi-purpose sensors also fulfil a large number of additional functions which can significantly increase the convenience of the door.


* guarantees all-round safety for the user
* an activation and safety device

Radar Movement Sensors

Radar movement sensors detect people in a fixed area. They are therefore ideal as opening activators for automatic doors.


* penetrates foreign materials such as wood, plastic and plaster
* detects people and goods
* can be set to detect the direction of movement
* adjustable sensitivity


* stationary objects are not detected
* sources of interference can cause malfunctions
* response sensitivity is dependent on the size, speed and angle of approach of the object
* imprecise detection range

Passive Infra-Red Movement Sensors

After a short period of adjustment, passive infra-red movement sensors memorise the infra-red image they detect in the range for which they are configured. If this thermal image changes, the sensor creates a defined signal. Passive infra-red sensors are very reliable opening activators for automatic door systems.


* very compact designs are possible
* can be set very accurately
* precise detection ranges


* stationary objects are not detected
* goods without a temperature difference are not detected
* imprecise if the temperature difference between the object and the background is small

Active Infra-Red Detectors

Active infra-red detectors consist of a transmitter and at least two receiver chips with high-performance optics. The receiver is able to recognise whether the infra-red light emitted from the transmitter is reflected by a person or object inside or outside the (background of) the scanning zone. In a modular construction system several beams can be allocated to lines or defined areas.

Active infra-red detectors are well suited for use as protection against crushing or cutting edges in revolving doors, sliding doors (replacements for protection leaves) and swing doors. The detectors can also be used as activation sensors for the door drive.

With background analysis


* detection range can be set to 0 mm
* the transmitter can be tested
* detects reflective objects


* background necessary
* dependent on the luminosity coefficient of the background

Without background analysis


* no background necessary
* independent of the luminosity coefficient of the background


* cannot detect persons/objects in very close proximity

Light Beams

Light beams are opto-electronic sensors which detect objects or persons by means of light. Light beams react to any interruption to the beam between the light transmitter and receiver. If an object is detected, the sensor creates a defined electric output signal.


* reliable in use even in adverse ambient conditions
* very clearly defined trigger point
* few problems with reflective objects

* cable to be installed in the door profile
* no surface protection